Kids Dance Program

Participating Provider.
Classes include:
Majorette Dance Classes
Acrobatics Classes
Hip Hop Dance Classes
Ballet Classes
Are you ready to take your first steps into the enchanting world of dance? REDefined STUDIOS welcomes beginners to learn the art of dance in a supportive and inclusive environment. Join our classes today and discover the beauty of movement and expression.

Students develop strength, coordination and flexibility while learning age and level appropriate acrobatic exercises on the mat (stretches, rolls, bridges, cartwheels, splits, walkovers, handsprings, etc.). Each child receives individual instruction and progresses at his/her own pace. Sequences and dance choreography incorporate acrobatics skills and teach students group dynamics.
Tuesday 5pm – 6pm
Thursday 5pm - 6pm
Majorette Dance
Hip-hop majorette dancing is high-energy, synchronized, rhythmic dance moves that draw from ballet, jazz, modern dance, hip-hop and gymnastics. This dance style can include bucking,
Tuesday 6pm – 8:30
Thursday 6pm – 8:30
An introduction to hip hop dance, exploring rhythm, musicality, basic footwork, and simple choreography. A high-energy class for your little mover!
Saturday – 12pm – 1pm
Young dancers learn the fundamentals of ballet, while practicing barre work, across the floor combinations, and center choreography. Instructors emphasize proper body alignment while teaching positions of the feet, arms and body, and ballet terminology. As we believe that ballet is the basis of all dance, we incorporate ballet technique into every dance class.
Saturday – 10am – 11am
Tik Hop
This class will focus on learning different Tik Tok Dances and Merging them with Hip Hop Moves to make a TIK HOP Mashup. Tik Hop is a FUN class that focuses more on each student finding their place in dance.
Monday 6pm – 7pm
Video and Photograph Release
I understand and agree that Redefined Studios reserves the right to take and use videos and photos of participants, free of charge, to be used for publicity purposes in Redefined Studios annual dance recital program and/or other media publications.
Medical Emergencies
I fully understand that Redefined Studios instructors, agents, and employees are not physicians or medical practitioners of any kind. With the above in mind, I hereby release and grant permission to Redefined Studios Staff to render temporary first aid to my child in the event of any injury or illness, and if deemed necessary by the Redefined Studios Staff to call emergency services to seek medical help.
1. Tuition: Tuition is due by the 15th of each month. All invoices are sent out Via QuickBooks on the 5th of the month; however, We will accept credit/debit cards and cash for payment in person as well. You will be placed on Auto Pay which will charge your card automatically on the 5th of each month.
2. Late Fee: Tuition that is not paid by the 15th of each month, is considered LATE. You may pay for classes early if you want to get it out of the way. If tuition is not paid by the 15th of any given month, a late fee of $25 will be assessed.
3. Refund Policy: There are NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS that will be given for tuition, registration fee, recital tickets, and any tuition related fees.
Code of Conduct
Every dancer will need to be respectful of all students and teachers. We will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse, including “name calling” or “bullying” by any student. If a student disrupts the safety of other students in the class, they will be asked to leave without refund. All students must also show respect to the property of others. Any intentional damage to or theft of such property or class equipment will not be tolerated and could result in the student’s dismissal from class without refund. All Redefined Studios dance teachers will make sure the classroom is a safe environment by upholding these rules and regulations. If a student does not abide by these rules, they may be asked to discontinue dance classes until they can use appropriate behavior. At any time, we reserve the right to refuse service based on the above mentioned.
Throughout the year, there is a lot of information that is communicated to our families. We utilize many avenues to communicate information. Our main communication app can be found on Google play store as well as in the Apple store (BAND).
Email – Please add FRDT513@gmail.com. to your email list. We regularly send email and newsletter updates.
Website – Basic studio info, including staff contact info can be found here.
Social media – We have a Facebook and Instagram page that we update with events, our Company team performance dates, and recitals.
Placement in Classes
Redefined Studios and its instructors will place students in classes. We feel it is more important that the children are in the correct level of class, than making sure a student is with their exact age group. We ask for your respect, in regard to our expertise in class placement. We desire to see every student grow and achieve the most within our classes. When a class is too challenging, they may not be able to grasp and learn proper technique. Likewise, when it is too easy, a student may not grow as a dancer
Dropping a Class
If I intend to discontinue any and/or all lessons at any point before the end of this agreement, I understand that I must give 30 days written notification via studio email, frdt513@gmail.com. IF I DO NOT NOTIFY Dance Redefined Studios, 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE 1ST OF THE MONTH THAT I INTEND TO DISCONTINUE LESSONS, I WILL BE CHARGED FOR THAT MONTH. Failing to show to a class does not constitute canceling or dropping the class. The card on file will continue to be charged until you cancel or drop. You must connect with the front office to complete this process. If you owe any amount after dropping, the card on file will be automatically charged.